Automatic translated content
- Floor 1: Pharmacy - Food Sciences - Chemistry - Earth Sciences
- Floor 2: Biosciences - Engineering - Architecture
- Floor 3: Physics - Mathematics
Loan Service
- The service is for students, staff of the University of Parma and subscribers to the Parma Library System.
- You can search and request books by contacting us, or independently through the Catalogue of the Parma Library System or by the BiblioParma App. You have two days to come to the library and pick up your reserved materials.
- You can pick up 6 books for 30 days, extendable for another 7 days and twice if there are no current reservations. To extend your loan, you can contact us or proceed independently from the Catalog or by the App BiblioParma.
- Remember to return the books by the due date: each day of delay will correspond to one day of service suspension.
- The following are excluded from loan: periodicals, dictionaries, encyclopedias, theses and CD-ROMs.
Consultation Service
- Consultation is free for all and limited to the opening hours of the library.
- The rooms on the 3 floors of the library are equipped with tables dedicated to the consultation of paper materials and computers dedicated to the consultation of digital materials.
- Periodicals, dictionaries, encyclopedias, theses, and CD-ROMs can be consulted only on site.
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