On this page you can find data of 2024 regarding the Human Sciences Libraries. Data on Library services, collections and purchased books are shown.

Fine and Performing Arts Library: 40

Economics and Management Library: 255

Modern Languages Library: 70

Psychology and Socio-pedagogical Library: 28

Paolotti Humanities Library: 218


TOTAL - Human Sciences Libraries: 611

Fine and Performing Arts Library: 92.443

Economics and Management Library: 79.113

Modern Languages Library: 48.695

Psychology and Socio-Pedagogical Library: 46.457

Paolotti Humanities Library: 174.822


TOTAL - Human Sciences Libraries: 441.530

Fine and Performing Arts Library: 552

Economics and Management Library: 484

Modern Languages Library: 368

Psychology and Socio-Pedagogical Library: 261

Paolotti Humanities Library: 1.263


TOTAL - Human Sciences Libraries: 2.928

Fine and Performing Arts Library: 94

Economics and Management Library: 96

Modern Languages Library: 52

Psychology and Socio-pedagogical Library: 98

Paolotti Humanities Library: 341


TOTAL - Human Sciences Libraries: 681

Fine and Performing Arts Library: 1.629

Economics and Management Library: 3.076

Modern Languages Library: 1.819

Psychology and Socio-pedagogical Library: 2.269

Paolotti Humanities Library: 5.719


TOTAL - Human Sciences Libraries: 14.512

TOTAL - Volumes received on loan from other libraries: 320

TOTAL - Volumes sent on loan to other libraries: 924

TOTAL - Documents received from other libraries: 894

TOTAL - Documents sent to other libraries: 1.079

TOTAL - Hours carried out by the Human Sciences Libraries: 136

TOTAL - Hours carried out by the Human Sciences Libraries: 71

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